Our Caring Community: Pastoral Care at UUSM
At UUSM, we care for each other in many ways. Our pastoral care program is a shared ministry between the minister and lay pastoral caregivers. As a team, we covenant to practice compassionate listening in strict confidence and without judgment, to help others process their troubles and difficulties.
The Pastoral Care Team provides additional ways of delivering love and care through love wraps, the gift of song, meal deliveries, rides, running errands, and memorial wishes planning. Our programs foster connections between those looking for opportunities to serve, and others who are in need. See our brochure below for program descriptions.​
Need some help? Email the Pastoral Care Team.
Is something troubling you that you'd like to share in confidence with a member of the Pastoral Care Team? Please let us know if you'd prefer to speak with a lay pastoral caregiver or the minister. Are you in need of a meal, transportation, or a love wrap? We can arrange a visit from the Sacred Song Circle or the Baby Brigade. Perhaps you want to discuss memorial wishes, or the Minister's Discretionary Fund--or something else entirely. Contact us. We care.