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In Honor of Windows, a Ministerial Reflection, by Rev. Terri, and a reflection on the last congregational meeting

Congratulations on ending the 50-year discussion about replacing the suffering Jesus image in the large sanctuary widow. The artist, Hannah Anderson of Hannah Anderson Art, is already working to match colors and prepare the panes of glass. Ken Minasian of Oceana Stained Glass is working on the dates of installation.

We still need to pay for it. If you ever complained about this, now is the time to celebrate by making a gift. Select “In Honor of Windows: Board Discretionary.” If we raise more than we need (Yay!) it will be used at the discretion of the Board to repair our other windows and meet other unbudgeted needs.

How nice to resolve any conflict in a time of such conflict in our nation, our neighborhood, and even in our own community.

Speaking of Conflict:

“In general, we know that chronic stress harms psychological well-being and physical well-being. It takes a toll on our bodies,” said Brett Ford, PhD, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Toronto who studies the link between emotions and political engagement. “There’s a strong case to be made that for many people, politics is a form of chronic stress.” Read more.

Chronic stress impacts how we treat one another and ourselves, and I urge us to be mindful of this in the days ahead.

I admit being taken aback by the sudden ending of discussion, even before the presentation was finished, regarding decisions about 314. The Congregation always has a right to postpone any decision. It’s the timing, and the ease with which we voted to silence the topic that has me curious.

I have to wonder how that felt to the team that was silenced. They believed they had done their due diligence as best they could. Even more, I wonder what’s being unsaid by others. Perhaps there are hurt feelings all around holding us back. Maybe many were just hungry and tired. I don’t know. Of course, this is not really my issue to resolve, it’s yours. I encourage you to talk, with love, to one another. What do each of us need to move toward action? How will we walk, with one another, towards that place? Every week, 314 costs us - and the community - something that could be underway, no matter who owns it or how it's built.

We all love (I include myself) this fabulous place, and I would hate to leave my time here with yet another “Jesus Window” type of conflict frozen in inaction.

The pause we created should be one of working toward a solution. If you want to work in a positive way for and toward a proposal, Joan Cassman is happy to hear from you. Talk to her after worship or email Joan.


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