HOLDING HISTORY | Soul Matters Series
Updated: Jan 6, 2022
Join us this month as we explore through our Soul Matters program how we can hold history in a way that allows more truth, healing, and connection. The following poem by Karen G. Johnson offers some suggestions for us:
As we gather this morning,
let us be a people of not-forgetting.
Let us practice
holding collective memories
that might otherwise slip
into that enormous void
that sucks at and corrodes
any future we hold dear.
Let us practice honoring truth-telling
up from the past that must come fully into the now,
lest we falter and fail, lest the whole remain in pieces.
Let not our need for comfort or simplicity,
for easy forgiveness or false pardon
smother the heartbreak that still needs healing.
Let us practice resilience with reckoning.
Let us marry memory and promise.
Let us dance in the tension we find there.
Let us rest in the integrity we cultivate there.
Let us be partners with the possibility that emerges there.
It is good we gather.
November 2021 Dates
● Samhain (Wiccan) Oct. 31 - Nov. 1
● Dia de Los Muertos (Cultural) Oct.31 - Nov. 2
● All Saints/Souls Days (Christian) Nov. 1-2
● Diwali: Festival of Lights (Hindu) Nov. 4-8, 2021
● Veterans Day (National) Nov. 11
● James Luther Adams birthday (UU) Nov. 12
● Francis David died in prison (UU) Nov. 15, 1579
● Transgender Day of Remembrance (Justice) Nov. 20
● Thanksgiving Day (Cultural) Nov. 28
● Advent (Christian) Nov. 28 -Dec. 24, 2021
● Hanukkah (Jewish) Nov.28 -Dec. 6, 2021