Important Update
Updated: Jan 6, 2022
1/3/22 - Hello beloved UUSM members and friends,
Due to the fact that San Mateo County has entered the “very high risk” level of daily new cases of Covid according to and in accordance with UUA recommendations we will be suspending all in-person gatherings of any kind indoors or out until the risk level drops.
Sunday Services January 2nd, 9th and 16th will be Zoom only. Our next hybrid/in-person service is scheduled for January 23rd. We will be closely monitoring Covid information before we decide that is safe to gather in-person.
In addition UUSM will require that everyone who is eligible provides proof of booster vaccination to attend all UUSM Sunday Services and in-person meetings, activities or events. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated and boostered in order to help keep us all healthy and safe.
With care for our community and safety in mind,
UUSM Moving Forward Together Task Force -
Hildur Carlen, Colaine Roepke, John Berdoulay, David Kramer, Tanya Webster, and Rev. Ben Meyers